I N D O M A S T E R KIOK HWA https://indomaster.nl
© indomaster
Tai Chi is described in many different ways.
Some say it is a martal art, others say it is only for health, many call it 'the art of creating energy' and some refer to it as 'meditation in motion'.
Some people claim it is a physical manifestation of a philosophy called Taoism, and others describe it as a continious flow of 'Chi Kung'or breathing exercises.
It has been likened to low impact aerobics, yet others testify that it is a way of life, and even claim that it is a way to achieve spiritual achievement.
I say it is all of these.
Tai Chi is designed to affect a person on any level one allows it to.
It physically strengthens the body while encouraging flexibility and ease of movement.
It is designed to increase internal energy of 'chi' flow within the body thereby increasing vitality.
It will clean, relax and focus the mind, promoting creativity, sensitivity and optimism.
It gives balance, emotionally, and can guide one spiritually.
But the best thing about Tai Chi is that anyone can do it.
You do not have to be a fine physical specimen, nor do you have to be a mental giant.
You just have to have a desire to be physically and/or mentally healthy.
You must value feeling good and you must believe that Tai Chi can work.
Belief comes from understanding;
My private Tai Chi lessons will not only give you the tools to learn and practise Tai Chi, but will also give you the understanding of the various components that make Tai Chi what it is.
Taichi is een gezonde, plezierige en ontspannen oefening welke dagelijks door iedereen gedaan kan worden zonder dat het veel energie kost maar juist veel energie geeft.
Taichi is een ontspannen oefening welke gedaan kan worden op een oppervlakte van slechts 3 vierkante meter.
Een Tai Chi oefening is geruisloos en gracieus waarbij de aandacht diep is verweven met de oefening.
Taichi kan veilig be-oefend worden tot in hoge leeftijd en heeft geen restricties, het is een geweldige en prettige manier om gezond te worden/blijven.
Het denken komt geheel tot rust in de Tai Chi bewegingen, het lichaam opgeladen met energie, alle negatieve storende gedachten zijn opgelost in het niets.
© indomaster