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Tai chi chuan Form. The 37 movements , Yang style, Tai chi chuan form was
developed by the last great tai chi chuan master.

Cheng Man Ching demonstreerde zijn 37 vorm in de jaren 70 in New York.
Deze taichi vorm is afgeleidt van de lange taichi vorm bestaande uit 108 bewegingen welke door de leraar van Chen Man Ching, Yang Chen Fu, is ontwikkeld.
Cheng man ching is begonnen met taichi omdat hij een ernstige vorm van tuberculose had ontwikkeld welke moeilijk was te genezen.
Na een intensieve periode van taichi training onder leiding van zijn leraar Yang Chen fu,
was de genezing voor 100%.
(Hierbij een korte noot, ikzelf(indomaster) ben compleet genezen van astma door taichi training.)
Cheng man Ching leerde de authentieke Yang chen fu vorm welke bestond uit 108 taichi houdingen, herhalingen meegerekend.

Regelmatige oefening op een dagelijkse basis met correcte houdingen kunnen vele chronische klachten van allerlei aard verlichting brengen of genezen.
Voor mensen die zich met meditatie bezig houden is de taichi vorm een zeer nuttige aanvulling.
1. Preparation.- Preparacion .- Yu-pei Shi. 2. Beginning.- Inicio .- Ch'i Shih. 3. Guard to the left.- Guardia a la Izquierda .- Lan Ch'iao
Wei, P'eng, Tso. 4. Guard to the right.- Guardia a la Derecha .- Lan Ch'iao
Wei, P'eng Yu. 5. Retreat.- Retirada .- Lan Ch'iao Wei, Lu. 6. Pressing.- Presionar .- Lan Ch'iao Wei, Chi. 7. Pushing.- Empujar .- Lan Ch'iao Wei, An. 8. Whip.- Latigo .- Tan Pien. 9. Lifting hands.- Levantar las Manos .- T'i Shou. 10. Leaning ahead.- Apoyo al Frente .- K'ao. 11. White stork spreads its wings - La Ciguea Extiende sus Alas
- Pai-hao Liang Ch'ih 12. Knee sweep - Barrido de Rodilla - Tso Lou Hsi Yao Pu 13. Guitar - Guitarra - Shou Hui P'i-p'a 14. Step forward, deflect down, fend off and punch - Paso
Adelante, Desviar Abajo, Parar y Puetazo - Chin-pu, Pan, Lan,
Ch'ui 15. Retreat and pushing - Retirada y Empujar - Ju Feng Ssu
Pi 16. Cross hands.- Cruzar las Manos .- Shih-tzu Shou. 17. Embrace the tiger and return to the mountain - Abrazar al
Tigre y volver a la Montaa - Pao Hu Kuei Shan 18. Fist under elbow - Puo Bajo el Codo - Chou Ti K'an
Ch'ui 19. Step back and push away monkey, right - Paso Atras y Rechazar
al Mono, derecha - Tao Nien Hou, Yu 20. Step back and push away monkey, left.- Paso Atras y Rechazar
al Mono, izquierda .- Tao Nien Hoi, Tso. 21. Diagonal flight.- Vuelo en Diagonal .- Hsieh Fei Shih. 22. Hands as clouds, right.-Manos como Nubes, derecha .- Yun Shou
,Yu. 23. Hands as clouds, left.- Manos como Nubes, izquierda .- Yun
Shou, Tso. 24. Crouching whip.-Latigo en Cuclillas .- Tan pien Hsia
Shih. 25. Rooster on one leg, right.-Gallo sobre una Pierna, derecha .-
Chin Chi Tu-li, Yu. 26. Rooster on one leg, left.-Gallo sobre una Pierna, izquierda
.- Chin Chi Tu-li, Tso. 27. Spread right leg.-Separar Pierna Derecha .- Yu fen
Chiao. 28. Spread left leg.-Separar Pierna izquierda .- Tso Fen
Chiao. 29. Turn and hit with heel.-Girar y Golpear con el Talon .- Chian
Shen Teng Chiao. 30. Right knee swipe and side step.-Barrido de Rodilla Derecha y
Paso Lateral .- Yu Lou Hsi Yao Pu. 31. Step forward, punch down.-Paso Adelante, Puetazo Abajo .-
Chin-pu Tsai Ch'ui. 32. The weaving maiden, right.-La Muchacha Trabaja en Lanzadera,
derecha .- Yu Nu Ch'uan So, Yu. 33. The weaving maiden, left.-La Muchacha Trabaja en lanzadera,
izquierda .- Yu Nu Ch'uan So, Tso. 34. Step back to seven stars.-Paso Atras a Siete Estrellas .-
Shang Pu Ch'i Hsing. 35. Step back ride the tiger.- Paso Atras y Montar el Tigre
-.T'ui Pu K'ua Hu. 36. Turning and sweeping the lotus with leg.-Girar y Barrer el
Loto con la Pierna .- Chuan Shen Pai Lien T'ui. 37. End.-Final .- Ho T'ai-chi.
When starting to study the tai chi chuan form you should keep
these basics in mind.
1) : Before starting the form, put yourself in open focus. Try
keeping the open focus throughout the form.
2) : Put your awareness on the tan tien, or third chakra, located
near the navel, Let all movements originate from the tan tien,
the other parts of the body following. Keep your awareness on the
tan tien throughout the form.
3) : Move as if you were in water, develop your sensitivity to
the extent of feeling the slight resistance offered by air when
you move.
4) : Step at first with an "empty" foot, quite
weightless, as if testing the ground. Put your weight on your
heel first, and then the outer edge of your foot, then on the
whole sole.
5) : Hands and arms are almost always in front of the torso
during the form, and they do not start movement, rather they
follow the movements of the tan tien. Keep your shoulders down an
6) : When practising the form observe the application to martial
arts of each of the movements. Direct your energy according to
that, but always in a relaxed way. People who need to exporess
rage or violence can do so by practising the form twice. the
first time, they should imagine the practice as a martial art,
although in a relaxed way. The second time, once the anger energy
has been dissipated, the practice can be more meditation
7) : Try keeping a unity of pace in all movements. a practice
that is too slow will bear no health benefits. Master Cheng Man
Ching recommended a 6 to 7 minutes duration for the 37 movements
Yang style form, which is quite fast.
8) : During the whole form, the knees are slightly bent. In some
parts of the form the flexion will increase, but in the beginning
keep your knees only slightly bent in order not to stress the
joint. Your bent knees should always allow you to see your toes
during the first 6 months.
9) : Research your movement, find new ways of moving within the
form. Use your body creatively within the form. Everyday your
practice should be different, new, fresh. Follow your body's
inspiration even if it departs from the form. Then, start again
from the beginning.
10) : During practice, relax. When already relaxed, relax even
more. Shoong, Shoong, Shoong.
11) : The form has yin movements, in which we "receive"
and deflect energy, and yang movements in which we apply energy.
Be aware of this alternativeness or duality of the form. Duality
disappears to give way to tai chi when we are in the present
moment. At each moment of the form we will be either in a yin or
a yang position tai chi chuan is that which manifests itself as a
yin or yang form We put that into application avoiding double
weight. we are on one foot or on the other. Never on both.
12) : While you go through the form, keep your breathing smooth
and soft. Experiment with your breath if you wish inhaling in the
yin parts and exhaling on the yang parts. Then try the opposite.
but in general let your breath self- regulate.
13) : Practice on a daily basis, on waking up and before going to
bed. Become a member of a school where tai chi chuan is
practised in exact good postures and were the teacher is well versed in good pushing hands practical aplications (that means that the teacher has a genuine tai chi structure to pass on to his students) and has a solid background from a good master, otherwise you
will never get the wonderfull benefits of the art of tai chi chuan. You should start with long strechting postures first.
The practice of tai chi chuan will improve your health and your
mood. Remember to introduce open focus during your tai chi chuan
practice The taoist used to include in their lives a series of very simple
but basic and effective health preserving practices which allowed
them to extend their lifespan, and therefore their practice.
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